The first time I came across a Podenco dog, I was breath taken by the sight of his eyes. I know we say dog eyes can be cute, especially when they want a treat from you or want them to pet you- but the podenco dog has a very beautiful pair of eyes without even trying so hard.
Totally adorable!
The Podenco Canario is an individual from the Sighthound family and is normally viewed as in the Mediterranean and Spain. They almost look like the Ibizan Hound and the Pharaoh Hound, making certain individuals accept they share a similar heredity.
The Portuguese Podenco is a thoroughbred canine from Portugal and is the littlest of the three Portuguese Podengo size classes that are not interbred. Ready, enthusiastic, and fun loving, these dogs are a conservative however enchanting pack to be near.
This breed is exceptionally dynamic, so they will require a master who adores the outside very much like them. Podenco Canarios have the endurance to work for a long time at a time. They are not known to be forceful, making them ideal for a family with kids.
Because of their great energy levels, they require a nutrient dense meal to make sure they consume enough calories to serve as a compliment for the calories they burn during their numerous activities.
The Podenco Canario is a peaceful variety that seldom barks and he can possibly become connected to his loved ones. This breed is generally delicate and perky with kids, however he will not endure unpleasant treatment. This canine is a brilliant and dynamic, so he requires a fair plan of day to day exercise to consume off his energy – this will likewise keep him from creating disastrous or forceful inclinations out of weariness or dissatisfaction. Early socialization and preparing is significant for this variety, particularly in the event that you have youngsters or other family pets. This canine does has a high prey drive along these lines, even with early preparation, felines and different pets might be an issue.
These dogs have a solid prey drive, as they were reared to be trackers. They are great at being sidekick canines and guard dogs also. They can be a piece yappy now and again and should be on a chain in the event that they are not as expected prepared, as their hunting senses will dominate, and they should stray.
Now, lets find out what they babies can and cannot eat.
Feeding a podenco
An ideal podeno diet ought to be figured out for a little variety with high energy. On the off chance that you overload them with no activity, these puppies will probably put on weight, so you ought to adhere to an ordinary taking care of timetable and not forget about food during the day. Limit their number of treats, too.
Similarly as with all canines, the Portuguese Podenco dietary necessities will change from puppyhood to adulthood and will keep on changing into their senior years. You ought to get some information about your Portuguese Podenco eating routine, as there is substantially an excess of variety among individual canines — including weight, energy, and wellbeing — to make a particular suggestion.
You can also feed them human foods sometimes. Te option of mixing them up is also advised as well , so they don’t get dependent on human foods and will no longer want to eat what is originally meant for them- dog food.
The Podenco Canario ought to be taken care of with top notch canine food, whether hand crafted or financially fabricated. The day to day sum expected ranges among over two to three and a half cups of dry dog food. The sum can change contingent upon the canine’s size, age, action level, and digestion rate.
A few dogs are vulnerable to getting overweight, so watch your canine’s calorie admission and weight level. Treats can be a fundamental guide in preparing yet giving an excess of can prompt corpulence. Find out about which human food sources are alright for your canine and which are not.
What can podeco’s eat?
It ought to be noticed that no one at any point can show the best all inclusive canine food. The eating routine of a podenco canario canine is vital to keep it solid and blissful. Here I will inform you of the best nourishment for your podenco canario is, the manner by which frequently they ought to eat, and what sort of treats are alright. The best sort of nourishment for your canine relies upon its size, age, digestion rate, action level and so forth, however above all you want to consider whether the canine has any sensitivities as this could disrupt the stomach related framework.
A decent guideline would be once each day for consistently old that their puppy is so on the off chance that they’re 5 months old, they ought to get taken care of five times each day in any event. It’s additionally vital to ensure that there is a consistent stock of new water in your podenco’s bowl.
There are various sorts of treats that it tends to be difficult to tell which ones you ought to give your podenco, however there are a things to pay special attention to: do whatever it takes not to give them any human food or anything with caffeine, chocolate, or liquor .
Additionally numerous podenco canarios have sensitivities which implies they shouldn’t eat any of these things: corn, wheat, soy or oats.
So like other Dog Breeds, Podenco Canario additionally needs a top notch even eating routine , and water.

What podeco’s cannot eat?
Just like other dogs, there are a few things your podenco should not eat. I have done you guys the favor of listing them below.
- Alcohol, beer, wine or liquor
- Coffee, tea, or chocolate
- Grapes or raisins
- Moldy or spoiled food
- Onions, chives or garlic
- Chicken, turkey, or any other poultry bones
- Salt and salty foods
- Tomato leaves, unripe fruit & stems
- Yeast dough
Final words
I love my dogs, I’m guessing you love yours too. it would be a disheartening thing to watch your dog suffer from food poisoning just because he ate the wrong thing.
This is why I urge everyone to ask questions about what their dogs can and cannot eat to avoid painful situations.
Podencos are very beautiful dogs and should be treated as such.
Did I miss anything on the list? You can chip in some thoughts on what you feed your podenco.